movies watched - 6

movies that made Joy cry - 0

movies that Joy fell asleep during - 4

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Godfather, part II

Not a new movie, just the second part of our post for The Godfather. My random thoughts:

1) I want to note that Blockbuster failed us by sending a disc that was cracked so bad you could smoke it. Our local library saved the day! In fact, so far the public library has supplied us The Third Man and Casablanca, our next film on the list.

2) I realized early on that I had seen parts of this movie before on TV. How could I only watch parts of such an epic movie? Let's try to let that go. ...but come on, it's almost three hours long without considering commercial breaks.

3) I fell asleep for about 5 seconds, after Carlo's luggage is placed in the truck, but before he kicks out the windshield. I'm happy with that effort.

4) I thought Connie looked like Jenny from The Muppets take Manhattan. Silly me, those films were made 10 years apart. But I was interested in learning that Talia Shire is a Coppola; Francis Ford Coppola's sister.

5) I discovered The Godfather is also #2 on IMDb's Top 250. A future list to tackle?

6) Fantastic film. Everything about the early 1970s production rocked. 9.5. The minus .5 is for the poorly choreographed street fight when Sonny beats the crap out of Carlo. Concept, awesome; obviously fake punches, not so awesome.

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